MAC & IP address

MAC address

Media Access Control (MAC) address is 48-bit (6 byte) address and that is used for communication between two host in Ethernet environments. It is hardware address, which means it stored in firmware of the network card.

Each network card manufacturers get universally unique 3-byte code called the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI). Manufacturer agree to gives all NIC MAC address that begin with assigned OUI. The manufacturers then assign unique value for the last 3 bytes, which ensure that every MAC address is globally unique.

MAC address is usually written in the form of 12 hexadecimal number or digits. Such that, consider the below MAC address:


Each hexadecimal characters represent 4 bits, so first six hexadecimal character represents the vendor (Hewlett Packard(HP) in above case).

How to find out your own MAC address?

If you use Windows, then start the Command Prompt and (Start – Programs – Accessories – Command Prompt). And Type “ipconfig/all” command and you should see field called Physical Address under the Ethernet adapter setting:

If you are using Linux Operating system, type “ifconfig” command. You should see your MAC address of system refer to HWaddr.

IP address

An IP address is a 32-bit number that identify a host on network. Each device that want to commune with other device on TCP/IP network need to have an IP address configured. Such that, in order for accessing the Internet, your computer will need to have valid IP address assigned (obtained by your router from ISP).

An IP address is usually written in form of four decimal number separated by period ( The first part of address represents the network the device is on (, while second part of the address identify host device (

In contrast MAC address, an IP address is logical address. It can be configuring manually or can be obtaining from DHCP server.

The term IP address is usually use for IPv4, which is the fourth version of  IP protocol. A newer version exist, IPv6, and use 128-bit addressing.


Private IP address

There are three range of address that can be use in a private network ( your home LAN). These address is not routable through Internet.

Private address ranges are given below:

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How to find out your IP address:

If you use Windows, start the Command Prompt. Enter the ipconfig command. You should see field called as IP Address.

Linux users:

Enter “ifconfig”. You should see field called as inet addr:


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